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Welcome to BonesCode!

Here's who I am & what is this website for.

About me

I'm learning Python and JavaScript now.

On this site I will post all my projects.

Also, you can find me on Github: Kastet6398 or on Stack Owerflow: Kastet6398. Also, I'm the administrator and creator of this site BonesCode.

About this website

On this website you will find out how many things could be done with programming. 

I will post here all my projects. I will post their source code on Github and give links to them on my posts.

If you sign up on my site you will be able to post your projects too! You can like and comment other's projects and follow other users. You can write me if you have any questions or propositions. You can comment this website too (in section "Comments").

Good luck! Hope you enjoy my site!

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